Beef Sandwich
This is it! Great occasional addition to your diet - beef sandwich with homemade focaccia!
Posted: 7/24/2018 9:43:02 AM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)
This is it! Great occasional addition to your diet - beef sandwich with homemade focaccia!
Posted: 7/24/2018 9:43:02 AM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)
Are you craving a juicy and tender steak that will melt in your mouth? The first thing that comes to mind is probably a soft beef tenderloin. Due to its tenderness and amazing taste, tenderloin is considered the best quality cut, however, as you may know, it isn’t the only delicious steak that you can use in your culinary kingdom.
Posted: 7/10/2018 1:45:26 PM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)
Duck is a rich and flavorful protein that is a great alternative to chicken or turkey. Besides being a great source of protein, adding duck to your also diet boosts your mineral intake.
Posted: 5/22/2018 8:46:06 PM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)