Hyperlight Optics provide active hyperlight therapy that maintains, strengthens, and revitalizes the organism - the wearer - on a quantum level. Hyperlight Optics protect against harmful rays of any artificial lighting, sunlight and light from electronic devices, and in particular against their combined effect, to which we are inevitably exposed around the clock.

Quantum hyperlight is created by passing light through the Quantum Hyperlight Optic® lens, which positively affects both vision and brain function. This contributes to the general improvement of the wearer’s physical and mental health, thereby optimising their functioning.

  • Hyperlight Optics enhance concentration, attention and memory
  • Hyperlight Optics increase productivity and efficiency
  • Hyperlight Optics are helping faster and better decision-making
  • Hyperlight Optics  support optimal mental performance during intense mental overload


Everyone who cares about themselves and works hard and lives an active lifestyle. All of us who are exposed, on a daily basis, to dangerous radiation of sunlight, as well as artificial lighting indoors (house, work, school, concerts, shopping centres, etc.).

Hyperlight Optics represent a unique solution to improve both vision and brain functions, because they block harmful radiation and simultaneously convert it into an optimum range of quantum hyperlight that reflects an ideal symmetry that is identical to biological structures.

Hyperlight Optics will help you become more vital, healthier and more successful.

Quantum Hyperlight Optics® lenses of unique features and superior quality are made using Swiss technology and are much more than ordinary lenses: they are designed for your better health, better cognitive abilities, better looks and better quality of life. In this way, they contribute to our mission.

Quantum Hyperlight® Optic lenses are coated on both sides with the finest protective layers. They are easy to maintain, scratch-resistant, and have a long lifespan. Quality production of the lenses and frames make Hyperlight  Eyewear glasses a cutting-edge and elegant product.


Patented nanotechnology based on fullerene C60 and the discoveries of hyperharmonized and hyperpolarized light have won numerous prestigious international awards.