We used a combination of razor clams, mussels and clams for our dish, but feel free to substitute with what’s available fresh at your local market. In an unexpected twist, we also add prosciutto and curry powder for a superb flavor kick that sets this recipe apart from others.
Not only are we using fresh, healthy ingredients, we’re preparing them the healthy way too! Foods prepared in Zepter Masterpiece Cookware retain their complete nutrient value and thanks to 316-L stainless steel, from which all of our cookware is constructed, no toxic substances are produced or released during the cooking process.
Tip: When choosing which shellfish to buy, the fresher the better. Avoid any that are open or have cracks.

- 1 onion
- 100 g spring onion
- 100 g cured ham
- 1 tbsp. curry powder
- 500 g cherry tomatoes
- 1 kg shellfish
- Thyme
- 300 ml rosé wine
- 2 tbsp. pesto
- 5-spice mix
- Chili
- Place diced onion, spring onion, cured ham, cherry tomatoes and curry powder into a cold Zepter V-3060 casserole dish, without adding any oil or water
- Cover and cook at medium heat 140°C for about 5 minutes
- Add the shellfish, thyme and rosé then cover and cook for 15 more minutes at 90°C
- Turn off your heat source, add the 5-spice mix, chili and pesto and combine
- Serve in Rio porcelain
For Zepter,
Chef Petra Geric